The News Fund places talented college juniors, seniors and graduate students in well-respected newsrooms as paid interns. We seek college professors and career services faculty to promote the internship programs on campus. Many interns say they initially heard about the Fund’s programs from a college professor, making our campus contacts a critical connection. We no longer ask professors to serve as test monitors. There is an online test distributed by DJNF staff to applicants.
Fund interns receive one-week of pre-internship training at one of its residency programs. Colleges can apply to serve as the residency site for the digital media, data journalism, business reporting or multiplatform editing. Deadline for proposals is Oct. 1.
DJNF provides a week of subject-specific training for students selected for each of its college internship programs. If you are interested in hosting and directing an internship residency, email heather.taylor@dowjones.com.
The Dow Jones News Fund Multimedia Training Academy trains faculty from Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) in media creation and editing for effective multimedia storytelling on the web.
The 2017 Dow Jones News Fund Multimedia Training Academy at the University of Texas, El Paso, trained journalism professors from Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in media creation and editing for effective multimedia storytelling on the web.